Thursday, 2 August 2007

A New Hope

Yesterday was a day of hope.

Sr Bong and a group of us travelled two and a half hours north to the highland area of Hue to witness the ground breaking ceremony of a new church in the A Luoi province. For many many centuries, the area was not accessible to traffic and because of political reasons, the church was not able to flourish there.

Yesterday, both the Archbishop and bishop of Hue, the government, together with the village and invited guests witnessed a speckle of hope - a church for 500 people will be built, also depending on the funds that come in too. It also marks a step towards friendlier relations between the church and the government. Praise be to God! Te Deum!

Continue to keep Vietnam in your prayers and celebrate your freedom to practice your religion. :o)

Entrance rite of the ground breaking ceremony.

Archbishop sealing the plaque.

Archbishop table hopping to meet people.


Petey said...

"Archbishop sealing the plague"?

Whoa... sign me up to the clergy!
