Friday, 20 July 2007

As simple as A-B-C...

The past two days were spent visiting the village communities around the remote areas of Pleiku. Their simple way of life is a lesson not only for me but the sisters too. Fr Theng, a redemptorist priest living among the ethnic minority people here is also remind each time he steps into their homes here to first greet the Master of the house before greeting the owner of the house. Also, the ethnic minories don't use words to greet people. All they need is a smile.

The simpler life becomes, the more you remember what is important.

That's what big sisters are for!

Outside Fr Theng's hut.

Inside Fr Theng's humble abode.

Some of the other communities within the town areas (still pretty remote BTW) were mostly on a touch-and go-basis. The political movement is very strong within these regions and it's not good to be seen in a large group visiting these places.

Our day ended at a the Plei Chuet Church in Pleiku built by the ethnic minorities.

Fr Mau celebrates a 5-day Life in the Spirit Seminar with about 400 ethnic minorities.