Wednesday, 20 August 2008

... annnndd CUT!

The month long project with SPH finally ended today with the final edit of the skit as part of CATS CLASSIFIED's soft launch of its new revamped look. Called CAT REV UP, this project involved Fly Entertainment, the Advertising and Promo team of CATS CLASSIFIED and myself. From the conceptual to the editing of the video clips, down to the technical operations of cuing in the clips at the right moment was what I was tasked to do. It's probably the closest to working at Imagineering or Industrial Light and Magic here in the little island of Singapore. It was a mixture of motion video, sound and pure entertainment! The best part of it was to be able to conceptualise right from he beginning of the project.

The project reminded me how FUN working can and IS supposed to be, and also to pursue whatever I love doing even though what I can do may seem like it's not income generating. My belief is simply to put 100% in whatever I do.